So, we had an off night with McKenna last Thursday. No matter what we did she was not a happy camper. I could tell she had a belly ache by the way she would tense up. I tried to cuddle her, burp her, rub her belly. She didn't want any of those so I took her for a drive and that didn't work. On the way home from the drive, I called Adam to warm up a bottle because I needed a break. He fed her and in the middle of her bottle she let it out, farts and all. She was quite content after that.
We swaddled her with these neat blankets we found at Target and she slept through the night for the first time!!!! She fell asleep about 2:00am and slept until 9:30 am. Okay I know some of you are thinking, that's not sleeping through the night, but trust me for this house hold it is. McKenna and even Madi, when she was a baby, woke every 3-4 hours to eat.
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